
Showing posts from November, 2013

Top 100 newlywed highlights!

Our wedding day was such a great day. We were sealed for time and all eternity at the Orquirrh Mountain temple at 9:00am. Walking into the sealing room and seeing so many people who we love and who love us was heartwarming and unforgettable. It was such a special surreal feeling to kneel across the alter and look at each other and see eternity. It was that same heartwarming and unforgettable feeling when we walked out of the temple and were greeted by all of our friends and family waiting outside. Unfortunately, it was quite cold and windy so we weren't able to get many pictures of the whole group but they sure were champs for sticking it out in the cold to greet us. After our sealing, we had a small ceremony where my dad walked me down the aisle and a good friend of the family, Bishop Neil Bushman, talked a bit about why being married in the temple was so important to us. Then we exchanged short vows and he presented us as a married couple. The ceremony was followed by a lu